Covid-19 Lateral Flow Tests

Published: 09 February 2024

Individuals who are at high risk of becoming severely ill due to Covid-19 are still eligible for free Covid-19 lateral flow tests and Covid-19 Antiviral treatments. From 1st February, the portals currently being used by individuals in Wales to order Lateral Flow Device (LFD) tests and report results will no longer be available.

From 1st February, eligible individuals in the community will no longer be able to order LFD tests online via the order lateral flow tests portal. Instead, from 1st February, LFD tests can be ordered and collected from participating pharmacies, to find your nearest pharmacy please visit Ordering LFD Tests.

The reporting page is now closed. To report test results please now use the online self-referral portal or for people who cannot access the online portal, please call NHS 111.
Accessing lateral flow tests whilst symptomatic with COVID-19
Eligible individuals should try to have lateral flow tests ready at home in case they develop COVID-19. This is to minimise the need to leave home to collect lateral flow tests whilst unwell, which could risk giving the virus to other people.
If eligible individuals do not have lateral flow tests at home and are symptomatic with COVID-19, they could consider the following to reduce the risk to others:
  • Check if the local participating pharmacy offers home delivery of lateral flow tests
  • Ask a friend or family member to collect lateral flow tests from the pharmacy on their behalf
  • If symptomatic individuals do need to collect lateral flow tests in person, consider:
-Wearing a face mask if they need to be indoors with others
-Reduce the number of people they see and the time spent with them-
-Physically distance from others
-Maintain good hand hygiene
Antiviral Service and Treatment
To find out how to access treatment via the Antiviral Services please visit the following website for information: Antiviral services across Wales – Information for Members of the Public - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (